Buying Guides

All school uniform items are available to purchase from this website. Each item listing includes images and sizing information to assist you when making a purchase.

As a general guide we recomend the following:

School Bag: 1 per student
Formal School Hat: 1 per student 
Formal Shirts/Blouses: 3-5 per student 
Formal Shorts/Skirts: 2-3 per student
Formal Socks: 3-5 pairs per student 
Sports Uniforms: 1 per student (including shirt, shorts, socks, cap and sports bag)
Pullover: 1 per student

Quanities of uniforms purchased are only intended as a guide and may vary depending on individual washing preferences and budget. Optional items such as blazers, trousers, girls slacks, tights and the school scarf may be purchased to suit the individual needs of each student. 

School Shoes

Formal Shoes (worn every day) are to be black laced-up polished leather school shoes of plain, conventional design (with heels – maximum 2cm) and black laces – not leather sport shoes. No laces around the shoes. Just plain black with no silver or gold. Soft low/no heel ballet-like shoes are not acceptable.

Sports Shoes (worn only for sport) may be sports running shoes of any colour in a supportive style. Shoes are to be clean and in good order. Slip on shoes, boots, canvas, ‘Volleys’ or leisure type shoes are not acceptable.